Sunday, January 22, 2012

outside the sphere

I had a short lived obsession in highschool of looking at the emaciated bodies of holocaust victims, of starving 3rd world people. I had very little and limited understanding of history or the way the world worked. But still there was something within me that demanded to see these images, I would look at them in secrecy with fascination. Reality echoed through an image on my computer. History didn't matter, but it stood as proof to my inherent feeling of responsibility. A by-product of imperialism; of our disconnection;of the siphoning, for us to live the lifestyle we do. We are all guilty.
I sit right now in a coffee shop, my paper cup was made by Solocup in Chicago, Il probably from some boreal forest, from god knows where and what kind and what age the tree was. The coffee imported from some poor farmer in South America, where he/she likely has never even tasted his or her own roasted coffee. Whom would probably much rather be independent and have a garden to feed the family. And these books, and this computer. The electricity. The cheap oil at the expense at others well being. This is what I think about sometimes, this is what I have a hard time wrapping my head around, that I have a hard time escaping. It's impossible to break down all the things I use on a daily basis that rely on the suffrage of other people, the desiccating our 'natural resources'. It's inescapable.

Derrick Jensen says that "anytime some community sits on a resource needed by those in power, and chooses not to sell this resource (at a price convenient for the powerful), the people are killed, the community destroyed, the resource stolen"

Wendell Berry refers to Industrial Technology as being analogous to war.
He also says that "people who are willing to follow technology wherever it leads are necessarily willing to fallow it away from home, off the Earth, and outside the sphere of human definition, meaning, and responsibility."
Spaceship Earth?
'Away' where is this? my teacher asked with out an answer.

The law of conservation says that matter cannot be created nor destroyed only changed.
We were not made out of the air, we must take to create (MORE PEOPLE!).
Daniel Quinn says that "we are literally turning 150 (now 200) species a day into human flesh"
200 species a day are going extinct, this is far more rapid than any of the mass extinctions according to one statistic. Yet the human race continues to go.
And it literally seems to be a race to the end of something.
For the beginning of something.

I crumple the cup in my hand and toss it in the trash.
so it can be taken AWAY and forgotten about like
the thousands of people we displaced for military bases
hidden behind the veil of "National Security"

Bill McKibben says we need more community, conversation and connection.

What do I say? I just keep nodding my head. mmhmm mmhmmm mmhmmm

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