Thursday, March 10, 2011

The modern world, society, is a large clumsy man smoking a cigarette with his belly pouring out of the bottom of his grease stained shirt. His teeth have rotted out but he just can’t stop eating. His brain is conducting like from within Plato’s cave. With no real grasp for what reality is outside of it, while the rest of the body is expected cooperate with its’ every command. If not one is thought to be easily replaced. A clone can be easily made to look just like the last. This rarely happens, scared of the consequences and the unknown is enough to keep that heart palpating at 87 beats per minute. That is only until its coronary artery seizes to let the blood pass due to the careless inconsiderate diet decisions of the brain. The brain, master of society, pops a colorful combination of uppers, downers, and mood stabilizers chased with a sugary slush red # 5. These slowly eat away at the liver. The brain, society’s commander does not understand the importance of taking care of one’s self. The brain, thus society (the man) as a whole is self destructive due to its naivety and lack of care for oneself. The question will be formed from that which finally kills the man in the end.

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