Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Last year around this time I was living with Sarah, Hunter, and mr Steven Kent Davis

Then Case and I moved in together with a few other dinderbeckers

We had a good old fashioned BUTT JAm

We harvested tons and tons of mullberries with friends jumping up in trees and bouncing around like monkeys, i made jam and pie

 nancy got herself stuck in a tree on one of the hottest days summer
 i saved her, i think she made me a little late for work

Case and I had the awesome opportunity and experience of co-managing a small CSA

We had lots of friends who joined and came out to help

 Josie and I switched it up this year and decided to go to the Great Lakes Traditional Arts Gathering instead of hiking the smokies

 I made Case take me up to the UP
 He jumped off a cliff, I didn't